Online WHMIS training certification course, will get you trained and certified with a wallet sized certificate in minutes.
Besides our WHMIS 2015 GHS course being valid in Canada, Ontario, WHMIS is now under the Global Harmonized System, meaning our United States customers whether you are in Texas, New York, California or Florida, you can now register online for the Workplace Hazardous Information System (WHMIS 2015 GHS), and be certified in minutes.
There will be a review in the way of a slideshow before the online testing. After the presentation you will be tested on 40 multiple choice questions.
If you successfully get a passing grade of 90% your WHMIS certificate will automatically be deposited to your account. Please review the outline below to see what the course covers. If you have any WHMIS questions or concerns pertaining to the Workplace Hazardous Information System, please contact us so we can assist you.
Test Completion Time
WHMIS testing online will take approximately 40-60 minutes. This varies depending on the person.
Passing Grade
You need a passing grade of 90%
Price $40 per test
Per trainee, per test.
All safety training pricing
WHMIS Certificate / Card
You will receive a wallet size card immediately upon passing. You will need to login to your account to retrieve it.